Łedger® Live*Download - Secure Crypto Wallet (Gitbook)

Ledger® Live Download - Secure Crypto Wallet (Gitbook): Safeguard your assets with the official guide on Gitbook. Explore and download Ledger® Live for a secure cryptocurrency wallet experience

Before we delve into the process, let's guide you through the steps of downloading Ledger Live.

Step 1: Visit the Official Website

Begin by navigating to the official Ledger website at www.ledger.com. Ensuring you're on the authentic platform is crucial for your security.

Step 2: Locate the Download Section

Once on the Ledger website, look for the "Downloads" section. This is where you'll find the necessary software for your Ledger device.

Step 3: Choose Your Operating System

Ledger Live is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Select the version compatible with your computer's operating system.

Step 4: Initiate the Download

Click on the download link corresponding to your operating system. This will initiate the download of the Ledger Live installation file.

Installing Ledger Live

After the download is complete, follow these steps to install Ledger Live on your computer.

Step 1: Run the Installation File

Locate the downloaded installation file and run it. This will begin the installation process for Ledger Live on your computer.

Step 2: Follow On-Screen Instructions

The installation wizard will guide you through the process. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Make sure to read any prompts carefully and customize the settings as needed.

Step 3: Connect Your Ledger Device

Once Ledger Live is installed, connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer using the provided USB cable. Ensure your device is powered on.

Step 4: Open Ledger Live

Launch the Ledger Live application. It should automatically detect and connect to your Ledger hardware wallet. If prompted, follow any additional on-screen instructions to authenticate your device.

Exploring Ledger Live Features

Now that you have Ledger Live installed and connected, explore its features:

1. Portfolio Overview

View a comprehensive overview of your cryptocurrency portfolio, including individual asset balances and overall portfolio value.

2. Account Management

Create multiple cryptocurrency accounts, organize your holdings, and manage transactions with ease.

3. Receive and Send Cryptocurrencies

Initiate secure transactions, send and receive various cryptocurrencies directly through the Ledger Live interface.

4. App Manager

Explore and manage supported cryptocurrencies and applications directly from Ledger Live. Install or uninstall apps based on your preferences.

Security Measures

Ledger Live incorporates robust security features to ensure the safety of your digital assets. Follow best practices such as regularly updating the software and securing your recovery phrases.


In conclusion, Ledger Live is your gateway to efficiently managing and securing your cryptocurrency portfolio with a Ledger hardware wallet. By following the simple steps for Ledger Live download and installation, you're well on your way to navigating the exciting world of digital assets securely.

Last updated